Monday, May 2, 2011

Summary of the Sunday School For the 1st of May, 2011.

Scripture Reading: Galatians 5:24, Galatians 2: 20, Luke 9:23, Romans 6:11

First question I will like to ask is "What is Humility?"
Answer: Humility is the opposite of pride. 

Question: So what is pride?
Answer: It is the refusal to acknowledge that we are what we actually are in the eyes of God.

That is the question we should ask ourselves as we explore the subject of humility. Most people define humility as being quiet or timid. Humility is to see yourself as God sees you. Humility cannot be boxed and written in ten steps. Principles cannot be generated to tell you how to be humble because humility is a way of life.

When you become born again, your spirit is saved and Christ comes to live your life through you. it no longer becomes you, but Christ living through you. This is the reason people say there is a difference, because you no longer speak the same, act the same or feel the same.

This change can only happen when you come to the cross and nail your self to it. When you become dead to "self" and allow the Holy Spirit live through you, He becomes the focal point of your life. Every decision you make and how you react to situations that involve anger, forgiveness, communication, thoughts will be guided by him. You can only be truly humble when you give yourself 100% to God. Not 50%  or 70% or 99%. If you give God 50% of your life, then you want to control the remaining 50% and that is not humility.

Is your "self" sleeping or is it fully dead and buried? 
The Bible says that you cannot serve God and mammon. It is either you serve God 100% or you don't serve him at all. Some people reserve Christianity for Sunday only. When Monday comes, they  are back to self. Is that how you live your life? 
Humility is denying self and obeying God no matter the cost.
Abraham was humble enough to obey God by denying himself and taking HIS only son Isaac to the mountain to be sacrificed. At that moment he saw Isaac as God's own because he had given his 100% to God.

David had the opportunity to kill King Saul. King Saul had made David destitute and caused him to hide in caves. At this opportunity, David refused to touch him because he would rather obey God than please self. How many times do you take advantage of the opportunity to harm people who have hurt you or even become happy when they are hurt by someone else. How many times do you find fault in others and talk about it instead of secretly praying for them? 
The Devil will either try to puff you up or bring you down. When you are a child of God, you must know who you are in the sight of God. In the sight of God, you are his righteousness in Christ Jesus. The devil will try to bring your past up to make you feel less than what you are in the eyes of God. Don't choose to focus on self and your weakness, but look at God's strength and his abundant resources provided to enable you be what he wants you to be. Anything that has to do with self will never be obedient to God and will always focus on weakness or on puffed strength. These strengths and weaknesses are spurred by the devil when one chooses to focus on self.
Prayer: Lord I submit myself totally to you. I crucify myself with you on the cross and live my life in the spirit by you and for you alone. Obeying you is now my uppermost priority. Thank you Jesus. Amen

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