The Vine and the Branches
Bible Verse: John 15:1-8.
If you discover that there are things in your life that you do not like, ask yourself “Who am I connected to?” When you discover thoughts in your heart that do not sit right with the word of God, check if you are still branched from the vine of Christ. Jesus wants us to acknowledge that we cannot do anything good in our lives without him. We can bear fruits God will be proud of only when we stay connected to Jesus.
In life you must be connected to a vine, and bear fruits of that vine. It is either you are connected to the vine of Jesus or the vine of the Devil. The fruits are those characteristics that people see in you as you live your life daily. Who do you put your trust in when challenges arise and everyone is running around in panic and fear? How do you react to circumstances that will stir your anger to volcano temperatures? What manner of conversations do you engage in? (Gossips or conversations that edify).
If we stay connected to Jesus and do not bear fruits, the bible says the Father will cut us off. How can we not bear fruit and be connected to Jesus? When we deliberately refuse to obey his commandments and do what is in our hearts. Don’t we as Christians love to do what’s in our hearts when the Holy Spirit gives us an instruction? We shout him down with the reasons why our decisions are better and regret our disobedience afterwards. Jesus wants us to remain in him and the only way we can do that is by obeying his commandments. Some will say “But how do I know his commandments?” You can only know his commandments by studying his word, meditating on it and asking the Holy Spirit for grace.
Prayer: Lord help me stay connected to you. Any worldly desire, affection, whatever it is that would stop me, please flush out. Amen
Have a blessed day